Like our keiki, 2022 deserves our very best. If you are interested in making earth-minded changes this year, one of the the best things we can do is #DITCHBIGBIZ where ever possible.
The fashion industry might not be the first that comes to mind as a superuser of fossil fuels, but modern textiles rely heavily on petrochemical products that come from many of the same oil and gas companies driving greenhouse gas emissions. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, fashion today accounts for up to 10% of global carbon dioxide output— more than international flights and shipping combined.
Small businesses tend to have limited purchasing power and therefore tend to overproduce far less. Small businesses are not perfect either but this shift in consumerism is a big step in the right direction.
"The pace of apparel production often exceeds demand, begging the question of what happens to the clothing that never gets sold. H&M came under fire in 2018 for disclosing in its annual report that it had accumulated $4.3 billion of unsold inventory. In the years since, its stockpile has remained roughly at the same level. In 2017, a Swedish power plant abandoned coal as a source of fuel, instead burning mountains of discarded clothing from H&M. In an email to Bloomberg, H&M declined a request for an interview." - Bloomberg Report, February 2022
#onepaahawaii #earthminded #responsiblefashion