Home for Hoʻomau Maui

Aloha mai e nā hoa, ʻo Tasha koʻu inoa. He kuʻu hiapo Paʻakanialeʻa kēia. No Maui mai au. He wahi pani kēia.
Its been so rewarding getting to meet and connect with many of you. Today, there are many new faces here and we look forward to an opportunity to meet and connect with you as well in the future.
This weekend feels special for me as I’ve returned home to Maui with our son Paʻakanialeʻa, for Onepaʻa’s very first pop up event on Maui with @hoomau_maui the premier Hawaiian Language + Entertainment event of the year, benefitting nā keiki Pūnana Leo O Maui.
Maui holds the foundation of my being, for it raised me. The streams I played in as a child, the sands that warmed my skin, the auntehs and unkos who showered my ʻohana with #aloha when times were hard, and the ocean who taught me to fear and respect our island home, earth. This is my sacred place. The place where my creativity was lit. The place that grounds me every time. The place I seek strength when needed most. The place I had to bring my son before I felt I was ready to hānau him into our realm. The place that reminds me of where I come from and how far I’ve been, each time. All my work is inspired through this relationship I hold with a truly magical place I call home. E ola ka ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi.
aloha wale nō,